Five True Stories Behind Classic Horror Films...
Some spooky films and their real life stories...
I've Been Thinking About Layne Staley Lately.
I've been listening to a lot of Alice In Chains lately for no reason in particular...
The Only Drug I've Ever Wanted To Try, DMT.
I mean come on, how can you not what to try this Jupiter Juice, baby?
My Top 10 Movies You Have To Watch Before You Hit the Big One.
Upon making this list I realized that I am extremely immature...
We Almost Had A Star Trek Hotel in Las Vegas.
Um, yes it is true come read and feel sad you missed it.
Why Some Believe Adolf Hitler Didn't Die.
You'll want to read these random findings about Hitler!!
Weird Stuff That Happened to The Beach Boys.
A lot of strange things have happened to them.
7 Things You May Not Know About Some Saturday Night Live Cast Members.
Going over some random facts I find interesting!
The Day the Music Died. An In-Depth Look at What Happen.
There is a lot many do not know about the horrible day" the music died".
Every One of Quentin Tarantino’s Movies Ranked. (SPOILERS!!... Duh.)
Lets analyzing all of Quentin Tarantino's movies.
Top 5 Walt Disney World Attractions I Wish I Could Ride Again.
Walt Disney World attractions that we wish would come back